Back in the saddle

It’s been a little while since the last site update. My bad! I really need to config a desktop client just for updating here!

I’ve been a busy boy though. The new workbench got done and is just perfect for what I needed. I’ve been abusing it’s poor new surfaces quite heavily, pushing a lot of smaller projects out of the way quickly.

The New Workbench

Also the new vacuum degassing chamber is complete and running! I had my phone on me when I first ran it up, so got a little bit of footage.
Excuse the stilted tone of voice, I’d been up for a little while!

And what am I currently making in that chamber? Claws!

The Regular Claws Colour Selection

Special Order Claws

Pricing is as follows:

  • Small has a base price of £1, Medium is £1.10 and Long is £1.20.
  • For stripes add 50p per claw per extra colour.
  • For glow in the dark add 75p per claw (this premium quality glow powder is expensive. Supply of Green is in stock, other colours will need time to order in, may require minimum order and may not glow as brightly as the green).
  • To have an LED mounted add 50p per claw. Can be clear or translucent. Add 10p extra per for translucent colour (advised, diffuses colour better).
  • To have the claws made in rubber (good for footpaws) add 50p per claw.
  • Clear or translucent claws with other fillings are negotiable.

I’ve also got some lucky person getting a set of the pre-production sets of rubber paw pads. Muahaha. 😉

Other things acheived have included some forrays into robotics, but for the most part the rest of the time has been some minor commission work, knocking down walls and fixing coffee machines.

Oh, if you’ve bought items from me before, I’d love to see some pictures of them in action! Just email them to me at

Also, RBW is less than 2 weeks away now! Time to get busy!