Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Ladies shirts, incoming!

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

The largest order I’ve yet made, at £490, will shortly see me re-stocked in all the unisex UKFur shirts, as well as a few ladies shirts in black, pink and the blue-backed “Union” design!

This means the prices are now set!

Both the white UKFur logo on black shirt or baby-pink shirt are £12, no matter the size.
The Union (white and red UKFur logo on a royal blue shirt) are £14 each, again no matter the size.

The ladies sizes are: XS=8, S=10, M=12, L=14, XL=16

I should be able to get custom colour combinations on request now the screens for the printing have been cut. So let me know if you want the design on a different colour to be included in the next order!

And now back to finishing the castings and commissions. Not a lot left to do!

With luck the shirts should arrive just before the next LondonFur meet on the 26th.

Twitter Feed Updates for 2010-06-06

Sunday, June 6th, 2010
  • First days sales of lanyards fairly good. Quite happy with the performance. #

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Twitter Feed Updates for 2010-06-05

Saturday, June 5th, 2010
  • We have lanyards! #

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UKFur Lanyards back in stock!

Friday, June 4th, 2010

UKFur lanyards have arrived! Just in time for tomorrows meet.

Awesome. <3 Will be flogging them off for £3.50 each. It's a bit of a price hike from what they used to be, but these ones have a safety release and I suspect they'll be a long-tail item (an initial surge followed by a long period of occasional sales), and I need to cover my investment in them ASAP. Considering generic lanyards cost £3-4 in shops, I'd say it's still a bargain. And people have been craving them since I first bought the store!

Twitter Feed Updates for 2010-06-03

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
  • Have vacated workshop for past 4 days to allow brother to work on final university project in peace. Back to order casting tomorrow though. #

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Twitter Feed Updates for 2010-06-02

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
  • Called Adband. Order of UKFur lanyards should be here Friday or Monday. Hoping for Friday; LondonFur meet on Saturday. #

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Twitter Feed Updates for 2010-06-01

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010
  • Inventory checked up. In the morning will chase up the UKFur lanyards order. #

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Twitter Feed Updates for 2010-05-31

Monday, May 31st, 2010
  • Testing Twitter digest function. #
  • X-posting settings corrected. Recursion hopefully avoided. #
  • Customised goggles and prototype clear-cast styrene "eyes" delivered at MCM Expo yesterday. Good times all round! #
  • Selling through friends stall, "I HATE NARUTO" headbands declared very cool idea, but not a good seller. Unlikely to restock. #
  • Choc brown main pads cast up nicely, same for choc claws, but finger-pads under-filled. Will be re-casting. #

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Three things

Friday, April 9th, 2010

Once again, things have been busy here! I’m currently processing orders, albeit with a small delay (manifold broke off the degassing chamber and I’m waiting for the glue to set).

There have been two major developments however.

I’ve now purchased the UKFur merchandise shop from previous owner Tigerfire, who’s no longer as involved in the Furry scene as he once was.
In the next couple of days I should receive the first batch of new stock, to get a small number of the most in-demand shirts and sizes.

The three designs of shirt

It’s out of stock of the lanyards, but I’m looking around for a supplier that will provide them in minimum orders of less than £200.

However still have large numbers of vinyl stickers and silicone wristbands.

Confuzzled is just a month away now, so have no fear, you will be able to get your UKFur merch!

In the meantime though, wristbands are £1.50, stickers are 50p each.
B&W shirts are £10 in Small to XL sizes, and £11 in XXL and XXXL.
Blue shirts are £12 in Small to XL sizes, and £13 in XXL and XXXL.
£2 for postage, and I still take paypal.

If I’m out of stock, let me know the size you’re after so I can get more in and I’ll let you know when I do.

Chest sizes: S – 35/37″ M – 38/40″ L – 41/43″ XL – 44/46″ XXL – 47/49″ 3XL – 50/52″

Shortly after buying the UKFur shop I also acquired a lot of 2000 surplus stepper motors.

All boxes full of motors (ignore the SEM bits)

I strongly believe the future is in 3D printers, but there’s a big supply issue. Even the home-made machines tend to require you to already have a 3D printer to make parts for it.
The way around this is to make a bootstrapping machine to make the initial parts. A rep-strap.

The motors I have are smaller than those advised in the Reprap project, but I have my own take on it. I’m developing a small, semi-portable 3D printer, that should be fairly cheap and easy to modify. I’m looking at a sale price in the £200 range, and a quantity of around 500 machines.
Because of the small size of these printers, I’m dubbing it the Bonsai Repstrap.

It’s an ambitious project I know! But if you want to follow how things are going with it, take a look at..

The Creative Blog
I’ve set up a journal over at Dreamwidth as a stand-alone creative blog. While this won’t be strictly business related, it will include and business creations and day-to-day activities as well as my personal works.
Dreamwidth incorporates RSS feeds into the blogs, so you don’t have to sign up to follow it. It also accepts OpenID logins, so you can comment if you like.

Pre-Xmas catchup

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Well Christmas is only three weeks away now, and I’m a busy little elf.
Most of the time since my last update has unfortunately been spent ill, so very little has gotten done. This past week and a half though I’ve finally been feeling better, so orders have started to roll out again! I’m really very sorry for the delay. Please check the Order Status page to see if I’ve gotten to yours yet. If not, it shouldn’t be long now!

During my downtime I had a few extra suggestions from those holding at safe distance, so the new year will see some changes in pricing and stock that should get orders out in much better time from here on.
I will be creating a stock of claws in the base colours (Black, white, red, green, orange, red, yellow and unpigmented) in standard packs of ten. These will follow the same basic pricing scheme as ever, based in per-claw by size (£10, £11 and £12). However I will be implementing an as-yet-undecided surcharge for non-standard quantities, and the prices for customisations will be going up a little.
In short, I won’t be treating every order like a custom job. The result will be the actual custom orders will get the extra attention they need and the standard orders will be shipped right away from a held stock.

And this will of course make implementing the site shop at long last a lot easier.

You may also notice I’ve added a couple of extra links to the “buy at” menu.
Spreadshirt is a print-on-demand clothing company. And if laying feverishly in bed is good for one thing, it’s crazy scrawlings to go on Tshirts. Expect some fun designs to show up there soon.
Etsy is a shopping forum for selling hand-made and custom items. I on occasion produce a bit of jewelery or something aesthetically pleasing, and will from here on be listing them through there.
And Lulu is probably one of the best known print-on-demand publishers, and while I do have some longer-term ideas about writing, they also allow you to produce other items like calenders and compilation CDs.

For each of the above they’ll be notifications through this site, so please subscribe to the RSS feed for those and other more esoteric updates.